Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SEO Techniques in On-page Optimization

On-Page Optimization

Since approximately 25% of visits are based on the content of the site, on-page optimization helps you to create relevant content that will attract the search engine spiders and human visitors alike. It will also help you to modify keyword frequency in your website URL, Title, Hypertext Links, Headings, and the body of the text. Though many of these SEO tactics can be incorporated into the website at the onset, they are often left to be taken care of at a later stage. Much of it also depends on each individual webmaster, their level of SEO expertise, monetary constraints and the way they want to proceed with their SEO strategies.

Here’s a checklist for your on-page optimization:

* It’s important to have proper heading tags at the top of each page, descriptive page titles and rich content on each page, especially your website’s home page.
* Structural optimization is crucial for the site to be search engine friendly. So, you should make sure that all links work, the web pages are interlinked, limited use of images is made and ALT tags are added to them, the website navigation is search engine spider friendly and SPAM triggers are addressed properly.
* It’s important to have a Sitemap uploaded to Google and Yahoo, which serves to tell search engine crawlers what pages to take notice of and which ones to update based on the changes made in them.

If all these sound like too much to handle, you can hire a credible SEO firm that will evaluate and refine many of the on-page items on an ongoing basis for the best possible opportunity for your site to be found by search engine spiders and human users.